Web presentation Cargo
For the Cargo group, the professionals in the field of transport and logistics, we have produced new web presentations – Cargo Prague, Cargo IHL, Cargo Trnava.
The joint promotion of the main transport services is provided by the microsite International transport. These include, in particular, truck and maritime transport, collection service, warehousing, customs services and others.
The parent site of Cargo Prague includes, among other things, the order monitoring system, which is linked to the Helios Orange information software. Authorized users whose registrations are approved by the client have the ability to access information about the movement of their shipments from anywhere.
Information on services and the cost of shipments can be obtained by filling in the on-line inquiry form. Carriers have customized information under their access. The client’s staff was trained to work with the provided CMS for site content management that fully complies with the SEO optimization methodology.

Kategorie: Web presentations