Multimedia CD Doing Business in Czech Republic
CD-ROM Doing Business in the Czech Republic is project by PP Agency, which helps Czech companies to establish themselves in foreign markets by providing them consulting and multimedia presentations.
Doing Business in the Czech Republic is aimed on important foreign entrepreneurs, businessmen and investors – for them, CD is an important source of information about Czech economy, politics, legislation, official business institutions.
Since its origins more than 15 years ago it became undispensable guide to Czech business environment and also integral part of government proexport support.
Among partners of the project there are Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry for Regional Development, Czech tourism and other institutions.
We have produced interactive CD presentation including CD pressing, print, packaging and shipping. Presentations is comprised of several sections. Sections contents vary due to language mutations. Informations are included as PDF files so they are easy to search, print, export etc.

Kategorie: CD, DVD pressing Multimedia solutions