Logotypes redesign and new visual style for CARGO group

Cargo group provides complex haulage services. It currently consists of Cargo Prague, Cargo IHL and XCARGO.

Our task was to modernize uniform visual style of the company, logotypes, printed material and electronic presentations. After the development of several draft proposals of completely new logos, our client decided to return to the original concept of the logo modernized into a form suited to the needs of modern dynamic presentation of the company. We also proposed the new simplified colour palette – now it consists of a bright red color, white and shades of grey. Typography of visual style is based on modern fonts which are available for free – the typographic style is thus possible to preserve not only in printed materials, but also in common office applications or on websites.

The results of our work are all necessary materials for the company presentation – business cards, brochures, company web presentations – all the variants for each company of CARGO GROUP. The typography of visual style is based on fonts which are available for free.



CARGO PRAGUE, spol. s r.o.

CARGO PRAGUE, spol. s r.o. provides transport and logistic services since middle 90`s and is one of leading complanies in the industry.

CZECH MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE s.r.o., V Olšinách 2300/75, 100 00 Praha 10,, +420 274 817 540, +420 739 557 557