Localization of an advertising spot Alma CG
The subject of the Cost Consulting contract was the full location of the Alma CG advertising spot from French to Czech. Realization included audio and video postproduction, new audio dubbing, and location of ad content. Audio video postproduction was preceded by translations for dubbing and subtitles with recording in the sound studio. Look at the resulting audio mix and video mix.
ALMA Consulting Group Česká republika, s.r.o.
ALMA CG is the Europian leader in the area of cost consulting. It helps companies to increase their competitiveness.
CZECH MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE s.r.o., V Olšinách 2300/75, 100 00 Praha 10
www.czmi.cz, obchod@czmi.cz, +420 274 817 540, +420 739 557 557
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